How do I reset a user's password?

To reset the password of a user:

  • Login using an account that has 'Administrator' privileges.
  • Click Settings on the top-right, and select Manage Users from the menu.
  • In the resulting page, click actions link next to the desired user, then click the Edit link in the resulting menu.
  • This will take you to "Edit User" page.
  • Scroll down to the "Password" section, and click  Reset Now button.
    • By default, a temporary password will be auto-generated.
    • Would you like to enter your own temporary password, which you can then share with the user directly? It's easy to do. Select the second radiobutton, enter desired password into the textbox - and then click  Reset Now button.
  • User's password will be reset, and the user will receive an email shortly with the temporary password.

Note: When the user logs in with this temporary password, he will be prompted to choose a new password.